The third episode from our first Antagonist Relations Actual Play session of 2019. We return to our party as they delve deeper into the Crypts of the Slain Princes, dealing with the various and sundry undead they discover within.
Starring Ben as Hugen Coldhands, the New Watchman, Christy as Ziska Forespark, the Student of the Dark Arts, Mike as Jasper (Jape) Sweetberry IV, the Gifted Dilettante and Cassandra as Tulip, the Village Bear.
Starring Ben as Hugen Coldhands, the New Watchman, Christy as Ziska Forespark, the Student of the Dark Arts, Mike as Jasper (Jape) Sweetberry IV, the Gifted Dilettante and Cassandra as Tulip, the Village Bear.
If you want to know more about Beyond the Wall, check out the Antagonist Relations reviews: