Monday, December 17, 2018

Episode Forty-Seven - It Was Not Grave Robbing (It Was)

The party continues to explore the Crypts of the Slain Princes, as they discover the ancient ruins in the swamp may not be as related to Orlane as they expected. Featuring light grave robbing.

Starring Ben as Hugen Coldhands, the New Watchman, Christy as Ziska Forespark, the Student of the Dark Arts, Mike as Jasper (Jape) Sweetberry IV, the Gifted Dilettante and Cassandra as Tulip, the Village Bear.

If you want to know more about Beyond the Wall, check out the Antagonist Relations reviews:

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Episode Forty-Six - Coffin Books Are the Worst

After a snafu with the recording equipment, we return to Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures with the Antagonist Relations Actual Play Crew. The party returns to the ruins in the swamp where they were previously thwarted by skeletons and take their revenge and then enter the ancient grave complex beyond.

Starring Ben as Hugen Coldhands, the New Watchman, Christy as Ziska Forespark, the Student of the Dark Arts, Mike as Jasper (Jape) Sweetberry IV, the Gifted Dilettante and Cassandra as Tulip, the Village Bear.

If you want to know more about Beyond the Wall, check out the Antagonist Relations reviews: